The first six months of Bologna Città 30: here is a summary of the main indicators, both direct and contextual.

The main objectives of Bologna Città 30 are precisely the improvement of road safety and the increase in sustainable mobility.

<< Road accidents decrease (by almost 11%) and injuries (by over 10%), with even more significant improvements on the radial roads (which respectively reach -18% and -28%). The most serious accidents, classified by 118 with “red code,” decrease significantly (by about -38%). Deaths are reduced (by 33%), reaching the lowest level since 2013 in normal years and returning to the levels of the Covid period with limited mobility. There is a decrease in vehicular traffic (-3%) and a reduction in pollution more related to urban traffic (-23%), a real boom in the use of bike sharing (+92%) while bicycle trips increase significantly (+12%) and public transport trips consolidate. >>

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