TPS provides a wide range of professional services in the field of traffic and transport engineering, mobility planning and participation, thanks to our diverse team of expert figures. The experience gained at national and international level, with interdisciplinary teams and partnerships, constitutes a curriculum in transport planning, applied modelling, traffic and circulation engineering, urban planning and planning, environmental engineering, transport economics, logistics and geomarketing, sustainable mobility and strategic planning, unique in the sector

foto di gruppo tps natale 2023
bologna elaborazioni bigdata

What we do

Surveys and analysis

We carry out parking, traffic, road and public transport surveys, providing specially trained survey teams.

Urban mobility and transport planning

Transport planning and infrastructure design are our core business: we offer our expertise for the development of plans at different territorial scales (Transport Plans, Basin Plans for Local Public Transport, Traffic and Extra-urban Road Plans, General Regulatory Plans, Urban Sustainable Mobility Plans, General Urban Traffic Plans, Urban Public Transport Plans, optimization of Public Transport networks), to carry out feasibility studies for infrastructure, environmental analysis, study of the territorial impacts connected to the design, analysis of the economic factors for the subsequent management and maintenance.

Strategic planning

We create strategic plans related to mobility, urban transformation and port planning, applying the C.O.S.A. approach: Criticality Objectives Strategies Actions, proposing a logical and derivative structure to propose clear solutions to complex problems.

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

We work with a data-driven approach: we provide high-tech tools, with the help of artificial intelligence, to collect and analyze data.

Reasearch and developement

There is no progress without reasearch, both at a personal and team level. For this reason, we invest in the continuous training of the individual components and the entire team of TPS, through internal training events, participation in conferences, collaborations with universities and schools, research and development activities on sector topics.

Participatory processes

We believe that public participation is essential for the implementation of plans and projects, with a view to generating consensus and triggering virtuous circles. For this reason, we aim to create engaging, interactive and tailor-made participation events for each reality.



What we work on, what we talk about, and what others are saying about us

in evidenza

