Telephone surveys are conducted using CATI/CAWI techniques for the qualitative-quantitative determination of transport demand. They are aimed at studying modal choice and the travel chain typically on a typical weekday and/or holiday, with the creation of the O/D matrix of movements. As an indication, the survey typically records the travel chain to reconstruct the various forms of intermodality that may also involve modes of transport alternative to private transport (public transport, walking, cycling, car sharing, car pooling…). The survey investigates the reason for the trip, the means used and the methods, the distance traveled and the time taken, the possible location and parking fee, and the reasons for the modal choice. There is also a user profiling section, and generally, questions are included to measure user satisfaction with the transport systems in the area and the propensity/resistance to using alternative modes of transport compared to those used.

Telephone interviews


Some types of surveys, including cordon Origin/Destination surveys, can also be conducted through on-road interviews with drivers of light/heavy vehicles. In agreement with the client, the set of cordon sections and significant survey points for reconstructing the O/D matrices of interest will be identified. For this type of survey, the collaboration of law enforcement is necessary to stop vehicles in transit and allow operators to conduct the interview. Therefore, the location of the points must be carefully planned with the client to identify suitable spaces for vehicle parking to operate in maximum safety. The questionnaire will generally contain information related to the origin and destination of the current trip, reason, frequency, regularity, cost of the trip, and vehicle occupancy rate, as well as the possibility/availability of alternative modal choices to the car, reasons for not using alternatives, and any necessary conditions. For heavy vehicles, information will be requested regarding the type of vehicle, emission class, transported/transshipped goods, load percentage, and whether the transport is carried out for own account or third parties. Questions about declared behaviors in hypothetical contexts and a very brief driver profiling section may also be proposed.

On-road interview


We also design customized online questionnaires for various purposes and with different methodologies, in agreement with the client::

Analysis of home/school trips: The questionnaire is used to analyze the mobility of students, particularly in secondary schools, and the related teaching and non-teaching staff to identify the issues perceived by school users and the possible mobility management policies to be implemented.

Analysis of home/work trips: The questionnaire is used to analyze the mobility habits of people in a company, an area, a department, or the mobility of public employees of a local authority to identify the issues perceived by users and the possible mobility management policies to be implemented.

People’s mobility: The questionnaire is used to gather information on mobility styles and thus on the daily movements of citizens, both to support the estimation of O/D matrices and the modal split of any simulation model, and to lay the foundations for the participation and sharing process with citizens in the drafting of PUMS and sector plans. As an indication, the questionnaires contain information related to user profiling, systematic movements, reason for the trip, means used, distance traveled and time taken, reasons for modal choice, location and parking fee, suggestions for improving mobility… Specific sections on cycling and walking can also be included to profile “active mobility” or on Public Transport to identify the most perceived issues by users and collect suggestions.


Real-time surveys (e.g., with MentiMeter) are useful for both physical and virtual meetings. They allow for immediate and real feedback from participants at a table or an assembly and are often used in the various participation phases of a Plan that involves citizens and stakeholders.

Using MentiMeter during a participation meeting

We organize tailor-made campaigns for every need. For more details, contact us.
